Friday, 12 February 2010


Think polka dots, hearts, nautical, wayfarers and playsuits. This look is mainly based on Luella Bartley's collection, so you can add bright accessories and mix prints:


Above: Luella Bartley's 2010 rtw Spring Collection (from

How you can wear it:

From left to right:
Topshop dress:45£
Topshop low back dress: 35£
New Look dress: 25£
Topshop dress (has bows on the back): 35£
ASOS dress: 55£

Mix a girlie floral dress with heartshaped accessories and bows:

New Look blazer: 35£
Topshop Heart ring:8£
Topshop dress:45£
ASOS shoes: 30£
New Look Denim Jacket: 25£
ASOS bracelet: 12£


Luella Bartley's 2010 Spring Collection (
New Look dress: 28£

You can wear it by mixing polka dots with bright colours and fun acessories to give the outfit an original twist

Above, left side:
Topshop love necklace: 12£
ASOS shoes: 40£

Right side:
Topshop love necklace: 10£
Primark shoes: 13£
Topshop flat shoes: 22£

Katy Perry looked great wearing nautical, and you can do it too. I particularly like the blue dress with the bows on the back

Above, from left to right:
ASOS dress: 26£
New Look dress: 25£
New Look vest: 14£

Nautical playsuits are an original way to wear this trend

Above, from left to right:
Topshop playsuit: 45£
Topshop playsuit:45£


Above, from left to right:
ASOS playsuit: 38£
ASOS playsuit: 35£
ASOS playsuit: 40£
Topshop playsuits (hearts and floral): 50£

To give it a real '50s Kitsch you can match the prints with accessories such as these:

Vivienne Westwood Anglomania for Melissa shoes (at ASOS.COM): 88£
Topshop necklace: 20£
Topshop love necklace: 12£
Topshop butterfly: 8£

Above, from left to right:
Primark shoes: 13£
Topshop flat shoes: 22£
Topshop rose necklace: 8£
Topshop love necklace: 10£
Topshop heart ring:8£

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